Managing Conflict With Confidence: 7 Tips for Conflict Resolution at #newideas10

Okay, Day 2 at the TSAE New Ideas Conference, and this morning's session is "Managing Conflict With Confidence: 7 Tips for Conflict Resolution." Thanks to everyone who came out to the session. Here are some resources for you:

The slides are here (and embedded below, though I don't know why slideshare always duplicates the second line of my title slide…).

The handout is here. The handout covers briefly the two tools/skills I talked about in the session, namely the ladder of inference and the behavior-impact feedback model.




  1. 21.09.2010 at 10:54 am

    Great sessions!

  2. Hannes Combest
    14.10.2010 at 9:28 am

    I love and appreciate that you so willingly share your presentations and hand-outs! I’m doing some work with some of our state associations and your materials will help me immensely! You are wonderful!

  3. 17.10.2010 at 11:36 am

    You’re welcome Hannes! Life is too short not to give some stuff away for free.