Making Culture Work (White Paper)


It wasn’t easy to boil down the topic of organizational culture change into a 42-page, ten-chapter ebook, but I am quite happy with the results. The Ebook covers the basics, from defining culture in a clear way, to articulating different approaches for changing organizational cultures.

My next challenge was to boil that down further so I could get a White Paper version! I am pleased to announce that the White Paper is now ready. Titled, Making Culture Work, it is the third in my Making it Work white paper series (the previous two were on Conflict and Performance Management), which began in early 2013.

The White Paper is indeed distilled further–down to only twelve pages–but it gives you what you need to know to better understand your organization’s culture, and it includes some tips on how to make it stronger, to boot.

It’s not a replacement for the ebook, but it is a free PDF that you can share around, particularly if you want to start some conversations with colleagues about the state of your own organizational culture.

Download the white paper today!