Upping My Online Education Game: The Culture Campus

Upping My Online Education Game: The Culture Campus

Upping My Online Education Game: The Culture Campus

When the pace of change goes through the roof, you will need new skills and new knowledge in order to adapt to the new reality. Providing those skills and knowledge, of course, is a big part of what I do, and since the in-person events are obviously being put off for who-knows-how-long, we just completely revamped our online training website, the Culture Campus, to help you keep up with the pace of change.

We re-designed and re-recorded our two skills-based courses: Managing Conflict with Confidence, and Why Generations Matter. I have been delivering these courses as in-person trainings for many years, and they are now converted into an online format. Individuals can sign up for either course for only $97.

I can also run them as a private course for a single team or organization, which includes the option of a hybrid live/online class, where I can add a number of live webinars in between the training units for debriefing the lessons and answering questions live with your participants. This option comes pretty close to me coming into your office and delivering the training in person.

We have also made a ton of resources at Culture Campus available for free, including white papers, sample chapters from our published books, a webinar on employee engagement, and two new resources that we developed specifically around the COVID crisis: Culture Plays for Better Remote Work, and Culture Plays for the Return to the Workplace. We bundled all the free resources so you only have to sign up once to get access to all of them.

I’m confident that in-person events will return, but I’m also confident that the elevation of online learning is going to be permanent (just like many workers are going to remain remote permanently after others go back to the office). So we will continue to invest in the Culture Campus site. Right now I’m working on a pilot course that I hope to announce in the next few weeks to train managers in Rapid Culture Change (contact me if you are interested in being part of that pilot).